Something that has been catching my eye this season of G&F are the stunning fashions and color combinations put front and center on my favorite TV ladies. Let’s take a closer look, shall we?
First things first: No one can rock a popped collar like Grace MF Hansen. As for Frankie, two-tone colors are her forte for sure.
Again, note the layered popped collar on Grace. Paired with the red, this is a power move.
Let’s respectfully take a moment to appreciate every detail of Grace’s perfectly tailored outfit here. This is Legally Blonde 2, LEVELED UP.
I’m thankful for this closeup of Frankie’s amazing pleated top and two-pound crystal necklace. Nothing can hold this woman down. Literally.
Speaking of necklaces, this translucent one is INCREDIBLE, especially against the tie-dye shirt.
More insane prints and necklace combinations from Frankie. Her hair is perfection, too.
Even burlap can look presentable when paired with the right accessories. Frankie’s no amateur vegan.
Speaking of accessories, who can wear a scarf better than Grace Hansen? No one, that’s who.
Fell in love with this blush-colored robe on Grace.
I want to take a second to draw attention to Sol’s shirt here. His choice in shirts this season was commendable and definitely telling of his desire to be more assertive and dominant in his relationships.
A close-up look of the shirt. He really is the male version of Frankie.
Another shirt I thought looked great on Sol, whom I prefer with a beard.
Now, for one of my favorites: the endearing Joan Margaret. LOOK AT HER HAIR! Someone give that colorist a medal.
Another fantastic outfit on the rotisserie chicken-snatching JM.
The patterns here, man. These ladies are NOT shy.
My absolute favorite shot of Frankie Bergstein. WHAT ARE THOSE EARRINGS??? And that thin, oreo-like necklace??? Don’t even get me started on the wrist scrunchie.
Look who’s back from the dead: Babe, to teach us a lesson on how to look damn good.
Zoomed out look at Babe’s hell-defying outfit. Thanks for coming back for this, Babe.
A short cameo, but the outfit/hair/lipstick on Nick’s lunch date? 10/10.
As for shabby chic, Frankie wore these overalls all season, but I especially loved it paired with this cherry-print cover-up. Vintage cute!
A lot going on here, but my favorite is Grace’s regal outfit and pose. Aspirational. Inspiring.
Lastly, my favorite look of the season: Frankie’s slumber party ensemble. WHERE CAN I GET THIS? WHO MUST I MAIM?
Honorable mentions:
This literal track / literal suit one-piece on Bri screamed BRITNEY BITCH
Love this pink tone shirt and tie combo on Coyote. I wonder what’s the story on his tattoo?
I’m glad someone knows that muted pink hues are Coyote’s best colors.
Where do we even start here??? The red polka dot shirt with the chic vest? The Edna Mode glasses? Her pop princess hair? THE NECKLACE??? EARRINGS??? Just, wow.
Finishing this post strong with this awesome DIY necklace and cute little Carl. Thanks for following along!
Coming up next: The Incredible Home Decor of Grace and Frankie, Season 5.
(Jk. Maybe.)
PS. Much deserved kudos to Allyson Fanger for putting together these unforgettable and inspiring outfits.