We always think that things will last forever
But situations change, whether we initiate it or not
We forget, in the hardness of life,
That control is an illusion at best
And change is the only constant
Sometimes for the better, sometimes for the worse.
Sitting in traffic,
In the waiting room for hours,
At a bad job,
In our singleness and longing,
In a dark and isolated phase in life,
We think we’ll be stuck here for eternity.
Then suddenly out of nowhere, traffic releases.
We always think that things will last forever
But we are not infinite
We are part of the world in motion
Ever revolving, evolving, surprising us with every steady yet unexpected turn
Oh, the relief in not being God and not knowing the possibilities to come
The humility in acknowledging my lack in creativity for change
Things get worse and things get better, again and again
And someday this will all end.
I will have faith and believe that only God can say when.